Friday, February 5, 2010

Cape Brandy Pudding...


Smoked Snoek Pate served with crackers and a small side salad

Chicken Breyani with rice and red lentils. Curried chicken served in a mix of fluffy rice, red lentils and roast potatoes

Cape Brandy Pudding served with a creamy brandy sauce and freshly whipped cream

Cape Brandy Pudding is a variant of the well known South African Malva Pudding. It is a sweet soft sponge pudding, which is usually served hot together with a sticky-toffee-like sauce, custard or ice-cream and you’ll often find it on dessert menus in most South African restaurants.

Malva Pudding is of distinct Cape Dutch origin with many unique additions which may differ from one area to the next.

There are many variants of this dessert namely the Cape Brandy Pudding (our feature recipe) which is made with brandy and dates and then there is Tipsy Tart which contains only brandy.

It was first made by a chef named Maggie Peplar and is also sometimes known as "De Wet Pudding" and offers you a taste of our unique South African cuisine. Any variant of this pudding is mouthwatering and indulgent for anyone with a sweet tooth, so we hope you enjoy sharing in our treat for the week!

RECIPE (Makes 6-8 muffin sized servings)

250g Pitted dates
1 teaspoon Bicarbonate of Soda
250ml Boiling water

In a mixing bowl place the chopped dates, the bicarb and the boiling water, stir well till combined then set aside and allow to cool.

125g Margarine
1 cup Sugar
2 beaten Eggs
2 cups Cake Flour
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 cup Chopped walnuts

Cream together the margarine and the sugar then gradually add the beaten eggs till combined. Sift together the flour, salt and the baking powder, then in stages fold in flour, then the dates, then the flour, then the dates into the egg mixture till all is absorbed and mixed well. Pour the mixture into a pre-greased muffin pan. Heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius (350 F) and bake till cooked, approximately 20 minutes. You can test it by using a skewer or cake tester, insert into the center of one of the cakes, the skewer must come out clean. Remove from the oven and set aside.

125ml Brandy
100ml Water
1 cup Sugar
1/4 teaspoon Salt

In a saucepan place the sugar, water and the salt and bring to boil. Then remove from heat and add the brandy. Stir well until the ingredients have all blended in together. Then take the baked puddings, still in the muffin pan and pour the sauce generously over each one and let it soak into the puddings. You are now ready to remove them from the pan and place on a plate to serve.

This dessert can be served hot or cold with the brandy sauce, freshly whipped cream, ice cream or custard.

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