Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rorke's Drift Choco-Rula...


Calamari steak picatta

A traditional South African Venison Curry served with fluffy white rice and roasted vegetables

Choco-Rula; a Rorke's Drift Lodge speciality created by our head chef

A delictably fluffy melt in the mouth treat that will leave you wanting more...

RECIPE (makes up to 4 servings)

100g Melted Chocolate
3 Egg Whites – beaten to stiff Peak
100g Sugar – divide in two
250ml Cream – whipped to soft Peak

Fold the melted chocolate into the meringue (remember to use a metal spoon)
Fold in the cream and refrigerate the mix until you are ready to serve.

Rula Brulee

300ml Cream
60g Sugar
30ml Amarula Liquer
2 Egg Yolks

In a saucepan place the sugar, cream and the Amarula and bring to the boil
Remove from the heat and allow it to cool slightly
Add the yolks and stir till the mix thickens
Pour into ramekins and place in a water bath and bake in the oven preheated to 180 deg C for 10 minutes.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool
Cover and refrigerate till needed.

Pop the Rula Brulee’s out of the ramekins by dipping them in boiling water for a few seconds and then turning them out on the plate.

Put the chocolate mix into a piping bag with a star nozzle and then pipe a design of your choice around the Brulee.

You can finish this off by dripping melted chocolate over the desert or by using a fruit coulis to add colour to the plate.